
RACV bike research
RACV bike research highlights potential

Research into bike riding habits of Victorians by the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) has found that with a little bit of help we can get more people riding.

The 2017 RACV Bicycle Market Research report shows that 70% of Victorians either already do, or want to ride a bike, and of that group only 6% don't have a bike in their household.

The biggest reason people gave for not riding was that distances are too far. Concerns about riding among cars was also a setback, as was a belief that other forms of transport are quicker.

It once again highlights the desperate need for improved bike riding infrastructure that separates bikes from cars on the road, however the barriers stopping people from riding are not insurmountable. 

Part way is ok for those who feel the distance to ride is too far, with Bicycle Network's Parkiteer service offering free and secure bike parking at train stations and public transport hubs. 

This can also be addressed by workplaces installing end-of-trip spaces with lockers, showers and changing facilities that encourage riding and make it easier to prepare for work after a ride.

The RACV have themselves acknowledged this, with the recent launch of a state of the art end-of-trip facility.

The report was released by the RACV to coincide with Bicycle Network's National Ride2Work Day, which saw tens of thousands of Australians come together to celebrate bike riding.

Bicycle Network spokesperson Anthea Hargreaves said that by subbing out the car, train or bus with a bike ride, it is easy to get your daily dose of physical activity, plus save time and money.

“Whether you’re a teacher, doctor or banker, riding to work is the easiest way to get your daily dose of exercise. It’s also cheaper, far less stressful and is often the quickest way to get around,” said Ms Hargreaves.

“People that ride to work tell us they save up to $15,000 a year on transport costs, while a 5km to 10km ride to work takes less than 30 minutes.

The program is seeing success, with more than half of those who ride to work for the first time on Ride2Work Day reporting that they then become weekly bike riders.

The RACV bike report also found that of those who do ride, the majority do it for health and fitness and because riding a bike is fun.

There is no doubt that when those who want to get on their bikes do so, they too will discover the joy of riding. 

See the full report from the RACV.

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