
Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail
The Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail officially opens

After years of campaigning for more rail trails in NSW by Bicycle Network and decades of hard work and dedication from the Riverina Highlands Rail Trail Inc. and the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail Committee, the 21km trail officially opened last week.

The 21 kilometre stretch from Tumbarumba to Rosewood is Stage 1 of the project, with Stage 2 connecting Wagga Wagga to Landysmith (21km) and Stage 3 Tumut to Batlow (32km). 

Importantly, this is the first rail trail on a government corridor in NSW. 

This is a monumental step forward for NSW who have a distinct lack of rail trails — a collective 80 kilometres over 11 existing trails, compared to Victoria's 1055km over 36 rail trails. 

We know that rail trails have a positive impact by boosting local economies with tourism and year-round visitation, which will be welcomed by many rural NSW communities who have battled through both drought and fire.

Let's hope the success of this pilot trail leads to many more in NSW and around the country!

Note from Rail Trails Australia: Due to the current Covid-19 crisis, please observe the government's directives. If you are not from the area, please do not visit the rail trail until the recommended government directive of "do not travel domestically" has been lifted. If you live locally and want to use the rail trail, please adhere to the social distancing and social gathering rules.

Birdseye view over Mannus Creek Bridge on Tumbarumba To Rosewood Rail Trail, courtesy: Snowy Valleys Council