
Minimum passing distance
Help shape Victoria's new Road Safety Strategy

Victorians are being called on to help inform the priorities for the state’s next Road Safety Strategy which sets out to stop people from being killed or seriously injured on our roads.

The 10-minute survey aims to understand who is using our roads, how they’re being used and how they could be made safer for drivers, bike riders and motorcyclists.

This survey is one of the ways the Victorian Government is working with the community to develop the next strategy which will follow the Towards Zero Strategy and Action Plan 2016 – 2020.

In addition to the survey, the government hosted the Melbourne Road Safety Summit and a series of community forums in Melbourne, Ballarat, Marysville, Shepparton, Sale, Geelong, Portland, Bendigo and Mildura.

Bicycle Network called for urgent action on road safety in June after attending the TAC Melbourne Road Safety Summit where the state government declared that road trauma is in a state of emergency.

We called for our politicians to stand strong and move away from merely coping with road trauma to making the bold decisions needed to address it.

It was made clear to summit attendees that lowering speed limits, investing in infrastructure and increasing vehicle safety standards will save lives and reduce serious injuries on our roads. Many of these can be implemented quickly and at little cost.

Anything less will see more Victorians die on our roads and that is unacceptable.

We hope that the new strategy will not only include these much-needed measures but be backed with a rapid timeline of delivery and investment.   

Help shape Victoria's new road safety strategy

Please take the time to complete the survey before 31 October 2019.

It's important that we let the government know that as a community we value the lives of our friends, family and neighbours over getting somewhere quickly. 

The findings from the survey, summit and forums will help inform the development of Victoria's next road safety strategy, due to launch in 2020.

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