
Make these council elections cycle-friendly

If you are not tired of elections yet, you’re in luck as local government elections are scheduled for October 2022 and this time around you have to vote.

The Tasmanian Parliament passed legislation in June that will require all people on the electoral roll to vote in their local government election.

You can also vote if you own a business or shack in another government area to your main residence but you must be on the General Manager’s roll, so you’ll need to contact that council’s offices or download the relevant enrolment form from the Tasmanian Electoral Commission.

Who cares about council?

A lot of cycling infrastructure and support is delivered at the local government level so electing bike-friendly councillors can make a big difference.

It only takes a few councillors to waver when votes come up to install separated cycleways or widen paths, and we lose good infrastructure that would get more people riding.

This time around there seem to be more candidates coming out early with several who started campaigning last year/early this year.

Bicycle Network staff have already met with four candidates running for Hobart and Clarence councils who have shown an interest in supporting cycling.

If you are going to run in the elections and support better cycling outcomes, we are happy to have a chat about issues and solutions for your area. According to the Local Government Association of Tasmania the election will be held 12–25 October and candidate nominations will be open 5–19 September.

We also continue to meet with serving councillors who are interested in supporting more cycling infrastructure in their areas.


Get involved!

There are too many councils in Tasmania for us to be across all the candidates and promises, which is where you come in.

We are asking our members and supporters to contact your local candidates to ask them what they intend to do to support more people to ride.

Most candidates have a page on Facebook or a website, just search for your “council name” and “election” to see who has already put their hat in the ring. Sitting councillors can also be contacted. 

Candidate Questions
  1. If elected, what projects will you prioritise to make it easier for people to walk and ride this term? What are your longer term priorities?
  2. If your council does not have a bike plan, will you work to get one in place in this term?

If you get a response, send it to us and we’ll post them on our campaign page on our website: