
Vision for bike friendly inner-west

The transformation of Melbourne’s inner-west into a much more liveable environment continues with a new vision emerging for Spotswood and South Kingsville.

A new place-making perspective on the two adjoining communities envisages strong bike and walking connections through the neighbourhoods that will also have good public transport linkages.

The concept is out for public comment now and your feedback is sought.

The two suburbs were historically strongly industrial in character, but proximity to the Bay and central Melbourne is driving residential growth.

Because this growth cannot be accommodated by traditional car-based travel, active travel options will be crucial.

A key theme of the new plan is titled Changing How We Move Into The Future

There are four guiding principles:

  • The areas movement network to be designed to give priority to public transport and active transport into the future to accommodate projected population growth
  • Focus on undertaking upgrades and new works that enhance key linkages and streetscapes to make Spotswood and South Kingsville a more bike and pedestrian friendly place
  • Design transport networks to support preferred modes of transport and reduce unintended through traffic and heavy vehicle movements within the local streets and neighbourhoods
  • Focus on improving access and connections within Spotswood and South Kingsville to key regional linkages such as Federation Trail and the West Gate Veloway to help promote active transport into the future

A number of major initiatives are projected, including a ‘GreenLine’ project which will transition Hall Street and the Craig Street / McLister Street / Birmingham Street corridors into a major active transport movement spine for Spotswood and South Kingsville.

The City of Hobson’s Bay views this as a "best-practice demonstration and catalyst for active transport for Hobsons Bay that takes inspiration and applies principles from leading examples from around the world.”

It would establish a major active transport network through the heart of Spotswood and South Kingsville that links all key destinations including the major future development precincts, schools, Spotswood Station and village centres and helps to shift the priority from private vehicle usage to active transport.

Other initiatives include designating key village and neighbourhood streets as ‘slow streets’ and apply the principles of ‘streets for people’ to add elements such as trees and planting, street furniture, widened footpaths and water sensitive design that shift the character and priority towards pedestrians and cyclists and reduces the dominance of cars.

Also planned are measures aimed at reducing vehicle speeds and heavy vehicle movements through targeted streetscape works and enforcement of designated routes and controls that will reduce heavy vehicle speeds and volumes and direct traffic from the industrial area eastwards rather than through neighbourhood areas.

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