
New bridge for Merri Creek gets rolling

The way-too-narrow bridge over the Merri Creek at Harding street is to be replaced with a new structure to carry both pedestrians and bikes.

Detailed design on the new three-metre-wide bridge will begin soon, following completion of a feasibility study.

The bridge links Harding Street in Coburg to Kendall Street in Preston. It will create a bike link between the two suburbs as well as improving local connections to the Merri Creek Trail.

The City of Moreland is planning on having the detailed design completed for the new bridge in the next 3-6 months.

The bridge is expected to be constructed within the next three years, following consultation, and funding being available.

Moreland City has arranged two public information drop-in sessions, facilitated by the design consultants, to offer insight into the completed feasibility study and upcoming detail design stage. See below.

"This new design will feature a widened three-metre-wide bridge deck to allow users to travel in both directions along the bridge and adds additional capacity to reduce "bottlenecking" and user conflicts,” the City says.

"Two replacement options were considered during the Feasibility Study: Cable-Stay Bridge and Truss Bridge.

"The truss design was selected as Council's preferred design as the presence of overhead powerlines limited the realignment opportunities with a cable-stay bridge, and the truss bridge reduces the overall visual impact to the surrounding creek environment.”

The new bridge will feature a similar truss design to the recently-constructed bridge in De Chene Reserve, Coburg.

Session 1

Time: 08:00am - 09:30am

Date: Thursday 18 March 2021

Location: Harding Street Bridge - Western end                                       

Session 2

Time: 09:00am - 10:30am

Date: Saturday 20 March 2021

Location: Harding Street Bridge - Western end

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