
Wave of change: bikes, parking, public transport, walking

Rapidly growing Glen Eira is the latest municipality to launch a major re-think on the transport challenges facing Melbourne as the metropolis crests the five million people mark.

It has joined a long list of councils who now realise that transport the old way just does not work any more, and if Melburnians are to get to work and education, and get around to the all the other great activities on offer across communities, we need to do things differently.

On the Glen Eira agenda is a new transport paradigm that gives greater priority to the efficiency of public and active transport.

In addition to its earlier announcements on bike initiatives, the city has released further plans on public transport, parking, and walking.

And to boost community awareness of the agenda for improved transport options in the future, it is staging a Moving Melbourne Forum with an expert panel to comment on the transport challenges facing the city.

Further information here.

The council’s draft parking policy reports that parking is under pressure.

"Parking conflicts are increasingly occurring in residential streets as demand for commuter and non-resident longer term parking around activity centres reduces the availability of space for shoppers, residents and their visitors.”

Yet, with projected population growth and a business as usual approach to parking, there will be more than an additional 22,000 cars on local streets by 2031.

"Council believes a bold new citywide approach to parking, integrated with other equally bold transport initiatives, is essential to manage a growing city that remains vibrant, connected and inclusive,” the draft document says

"This will bring some changes to parking provisions, like restrictions and permits, to ensure the parking we have is shared equitably, and available for those who really rely on it. Council acknowledges that it will be challenging for some residents who need to adjust.”

The councils Public Transport Advocacy Plan includes initiatives that support a public transport network that is safer, more reliable and convenient, faster and more attractive than today is the case today, and provides the additional capacity to cater for a growing number of residents.

Among the initiatives is a network of express public transport routes, higher frequencies, better services for the currently underserved southern end of the municipality, and more bike parking at railway stations.

The vision of the draft walking and accessibility action plan is to enable walking to become a safe and attractive form of transportation around the municipality.

This includes recognising the role walking plays in linking other modes, such as walking to and from train stations.

"The next level down from transportation is the vision for our local neighbourhoods and streets. This is the consideration of ‘place’ and the role of walking in our everyday lives and activities,” the plan says.

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