
Flinders Street closure announced

Flinders Street will be closed to all eastbound traffic—including bikes—for between two and three years starting in September 2019.

The closure, between Swanston Street and Degraves Street, will enable the piling and construction for an underground connection between the new Town Hall Station and the Degreaves Street Subway link to Flinders Street Station.

And new truck access facilities to the site behind Young and Jackson’s will mean fewer trucks using Swanston Street.

While trams, with the exception of one week in October, will continue to use Flinders Street, bikes cannot.

Bike numbers on Flinders eastbound are low, but it is used by some during the evening peak to link into St Kilda Road.

Bicycle Network is talking with the Metro Tunnel contractors and the City of Melbourne about detours, and more information will be available soon.

Pedestrian and vehicle access will be maintained for local businesses and residents, and loading bays will be created east of Elizabeth Street for deliveries and drop-offs.

A new pedestrian crossing will also be established to the west of Degraves Street to enable pedestrians to cross to the south side of Flinders Street and maintain access to the tram stop.

Other changes are coming soon to the management of the roads and intersections in the precinct and we will bring you up to speed on those in the coming months.